
Ethos Marine Phytoplankton Powder


Marine Phytoplankton is one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on earth. 

Working at the deepest level of the cell, Ethos Marine Phytoplankton helps a wide variety of diseases, imbalances and many chronic illnesses.  This superfood boosts energy levels and stamina and significantly improves mental clarity and focus, while reducing inflammation and supporting a healthy immune system.

Other visible benefits include glowing skin, improved hair, stronger nails, and improved vision.  Marine Phytoplankton contains potent xanthophylls, and zeaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant proven to support eye health and improve vision.

Just a single gram of Ethos Marine Phytoplankton contains more vitamins and minerals than any other food group and is highly bioavailable.  Making it an excellent source of essential nutrients to maintain a healthy body and mind.


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Ethos Marine Phytoplankton: Why Purity Matters

When it comes to marine phytoplankton, purity is incredibly important. This superfood contains a wide range of nutrients and health benefits, so you want to make sure that you're getting the best possible product when you take it. Ethos Marine Phytoplankton only contains 100% pure marine phytoplankton powder, with no mixers or fillers.

This ensures that you're getting the full range of benefits from this superfood. Other companies may include fillers or other ingredients in their marine phytoplankton products, which can diminish the overall quality and health benefits. Ethos Marine Phytoplankton is the purest marine phytoplankton on the market, so you can be sure that you're getting the most benefit from this incredible superfood.

Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton - The Nutrient-Rich Superfood That Benefits... Everything!

Can Humans eat Marine Phytoplankton? - Yes, humans can and should eat marine phytoplankton. Marine phytoplankton is an incredibly nutritious superfood that offers a wide range of health benefits. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, make it an excellent addition to any diet.

The small size of marine phytoplankton is behind some of its potent health benefits. The tiny cells are easily absorbed by the human body, allowing for maximum nutrient absorption. Additionally, marine phytoplankton is a rich source of chlorophyll, which has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including detoxification and improved digestion

Marine Phytoplankton: The Nutrient-Rich Superfood That Benefits Eye Health

Marine phytoplankton is a nutrient-dense superfood with a rich source of chlorophyll and essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are beneficial for maintaining healthy eyesight.

Marine phytoplankton is also comprised of a range of pigments like astaxanthin, zeaxanthin and canthaxanthin, which are extremely beneficial antioxidants and essential nutriments for healthy eyes.

The yellow pigmented xanthophylls carotenoid group includes zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, astaxanthin and canthaxanthin are useful nutrients for nourishing both the eyes and skin.

Ethos Marine Phytoplankton is a 100% pure source of this powerful superfood, making it an excellent addition to any health regime. If you're looking for a superfood that can help support healthy eyesight and much more, Ethos Marine Phytoplankton is a great option.

New study suggests Marine Phytoplankton omega-3 fatty acids could boost brain health.

A new study has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids found in marine phytoplankton could boost brain health. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of South Australia, found that omega-3 fatty acids could help to protect the brain from damage caused by inflammation.

Marine phytoplankton are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin and nails. Some studies have even suggested that omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce the risk of some chronic diseases. Ethos Marine phytoplankton supplements are an excellent option for people who want to increase their intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Marine Phytoplankton Carotenoids Could Help to Protect Against Cancer

The benefits of Essential Fatty Acids for numerous health reasons is well documented. EFA's play a key role in combatting autoimmune diseases and inflammation.  Other studies conclude that EFA’s offer a reduced cancer risk.

While more research is needed, some studies have suggested that the carotenoids found in marine phytoplankton could help to protect against cancer. Carotenoids are a type of antioxidant that can help to neutralize harmful toxins in the body.

Marine Phytoplankton and Digestive Health

Some studies have suggested that marine phytoplankton helps to improve digestive health. Marine phytoplankton are a good source of fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive system. Additionally, marine phytoplankton are a good source of probiotics, which can help to promote a healthy gut flora. Ethos Marine Phytoplankton supplements are a good option for people who want to support their digestive health.

Marine Phytoplankton and Weight Loss

Studies have suggested that marine phytoplankton could help with weight loss. Marine phytoplankton are a good source of protein, which is essential for building muscle and burning fat. Additionally, marine phytoplankton are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation and promote weight loss.

Ethos Marine Phytoplankton

Ethos marine phytoplankton contains over 65 nutritional properties, including all of the amino acids, essential fats, vitamins, key minerals and trace elements, rare anti-oxidants, phospholipids, electrolytes, nucleic acids, enzymes and co-enzymes. It is a living food that carries an electrical frequency that works with the intelligence of the body. It is believed that it's the combination and proportion of elements and nutrients that make phytoplankton so unique and so effective at enabling cellular regeneration and therefore natural healing.

All of its elements and electrolytes are almost exactly tailor-made for the human body. We arose from the sea and our internal bodies reflect this with the composition of human blood plasma being almost identical to that of seawater. Our bodies are over 70% water. Ethos marine phytoplankton provides the perfect antidote, in an age of over-reliance on land-based food sources and continuing mineral depletion in the soil and in our food which, in turn, leads to deficiencies of micro-nutrients and trace elements in our bodies.

In addition to overcoming mineral depletion, with a pH of 8-8.5, it also works to balance the body's own pH. Ethos marine phytoplankton also considerably increases the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry around the body.

Ethos Marine Phytoplankton provides a very wide range of benefits that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you're looking for a high-quality marine phytoplankton supplement, look no further than Ethos Marine Phytoplankton.

Our product is made from 100% pure Nannochloropsis Gaditana powder and is certified free from toxins, heavy metals, GM components, and other harmful substances. It's also suitable for vegans, vegetarians, celiacs, and diabetics.


Ethos Marine phytoplankton provides a wide range of health benefits that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you're looking for a high-quality marine phytoplankton supplement, look no further than Ethos Marine phytoplankton. Our product is made from 100% pure Nannochloropsis Gaditana powder and is certified free from toxins, heavy metals, GM components, and other harmful substances. It's also suitable for vegans, vegetarians, celiacs, and diabetics.

Due to its high bioavailbility, Ethos Marine Phytoplankton is easy to absorb and does not tax the body's detoxification pathways. This makes it an ideal food for those who are looking to improve their overall health and well-being.  So what are you waiting for? Start enjoying the many benefits of marine phytoplankton today!

Serving Suggestions for Ethos Marine Phytoplankton - Powder:

As a maintenance dose take 1/2 gram three times daily, 30 minutes before meals. For therapeutic use this amount should be doubled per day and for chronic illnesses this amount should be tripled per day. The powder can be taken in a small amount of water or with fruit/vegetable juice or fresh fruit “Smoothies” according to taste.

Serving Suggestions for Ethos Marine Phytoplankton - Capsules:

As a maintenance dose take 1 capsule two or three times daily, 30 minutes before meals. For therapeutic use this amount should be doubled, and for chronic illnesses this amount should be tripled per day.

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1 x 150g, 1 x 45g, 90 x Capsules


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