What Does Cataracts Vision Look Like?
Cataract Symptoms and How to Protect Your Vision from Further Decline

Cataract Diagnosis and Treatment
If you notice signs of vision decline, schedule an appointment with a qualified optometrist for an accurate evaluation and take immediate action to prevent further vision loss.
Clinical tudies show NAC Carnosine eye drops to be a safe and effective natural treatment for cataracts and restoring eye health.
Early Signs Of Cataracts
The early signs of cataracts may include difficulty seeing clearly at night, halos around lights and more frequent eyeglass prescription changes. Early symptoms may also include blurred or clouded vision, double vision in one eye, faded colours, sensitivity to light and glare, and an increase in nearsightedness.
In this article, we’ll be looking at the stages of cataract development and new advances in natural eye care proven to prevent and reverse the progression of cataracts.
If you have cataracts, you know that your vision is slowly getting worse. But what does cataract vision actually look like as cataracts progress and for different types of cataracts?

Normal Vision

Double Vision

Dull – Blurry Vision

Mature Cataract

Hypermature Cataract

Night-Light Sensitivity
People with cataracts often report of blurry or hazy vision
Cataracts, a clouding of the lens of the eye, often leads to impaired vision and decreased clarity. Individuals with cataracts may experience distorted, hazy vision, as well as difficulty in seeing objects in low light conditions.
Double vision is a common symptom of early cataracts
Double vision, or diplopia, is an issue that can affect many people of varying ages.
It can be a symptom of other conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis and thyroid disorder.
It is also a common side-effect of certain medications, surgery and injuries to the eye or brain.
With double vision, patients may find that their activity levels decrease due to difficulty in depth perception and mobility, leading to various physical effects.
Colours may appear faded or less vibrant
One common symptom of cataracts is a reduction in the vibrancy of colours, as if they appear dull or less saturated.
In other cases, colours may even be distorted and look different than before.
The patient’s vision will become blurry and colours may be difficult to differentiate.
If untreated, the patient’s vision will continue to deteriorate until their daily activities become significantly impacted.
Mature and Hypermature Cataracts:
Vision impairment caused by mature and hypermature cataracts can be severe, as the hardened lens has become particularly dense.
The signs of mature and hypermature cataracts include significant vision loss, a cloudy appearance to the lens, pupil constriction, and a possible increase in intraocular pressure.
In addition to diminishing eyesight, it increases difficulty in removal and carries a risk of inflammation or glaucoma if left untreated. Prompt treatment is essential for best outcomes.
What Does Cataract Vision Look Like At Night?

Lights appear bright with excessive glare
Bright lights can be a nuisance for many of us, particularly those with underlying medical conditions.
An intense glare or too much intensity in lighting may make it difficult to do certain activities, such as reading and driving.
Overly bright environments can even cause eyestrain and headaches.
To lessen discomfort, people should reduce exposure to overly bright lights by adjusting the brightness of designated lamps or room lighting and/or wearing specialized glasses.
Additionally, try to avoid looking directly at a bright light source and stay away from any objects that reflect strong direct light. Taking extra care to manage light exposure is especially important for those with pre-existing visual impairments.
Night vision may be decreased
Several different factors can come into play when it comes to this issue, such as the patient’s overall eye health or the presence of any eye disease.
It’s important for all those affected by decreased night vision to take steps to protect what vision remains.
Schedule a proper evaluation with your local optometrist or ophthalmologist in order to determine a proper course of action.
That way, any questions can be answered and precautions taken, ensuring safe and secure movement on even the darkest of nights..
If you think you have cataracts or any form of eye disorder, it is essential to have an eye exam.
Early diagnosis and treatment are key for preserving or restoring your vision when it comes to cataracts and other complications such as glaucoma.
Inflammation and Damaged Proteins Implicated in Nearly All Eye Disorders
Oxidative stress and inflammation are primary contributors in disease and are implicated in nearly all age-related eye disorders. Over time, damaged proteins and inflammation can accumulate in the eye, leading to poorer eye health, impaired vision and ultimately blindness.
This combination of damaged and dysfunctional proteins increases the risk for age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and most other visual impairments.
In this next section we examine a number of simple ‘life style changes’ highly effective in preventing and slowing down the progression of cataracts and age related eye disorders.
Starting this regime early on when you first notice a decline in the quality of sight, has been clinically proven to reverse damage to eye health and restore vision!
How to Protect and Restore Eyes from Cataracts
Avoid complications of cataracts and prevent further vision decline
If you think you may be experiencing the early signs of cataracts, glaucoma, or any age-related eye disorder, there are essential steps you need to take.
To ensure a timely diagnosis and treatment plan before complications worsen, it is important that three proactive measures are taken immediately: receiving an evaluation from an optometrist; reduce the oxidative stress and inflammation in the eye; and improve blood flow and circulation to the eye.
• NAC Carnosine Eye Drops: A natural eye drop without side-effects, containing antioxidation, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hypertensive properties that help reduce eye strain and intraocular pressure.
• Carnosine supplementation: Carnosine is an amino acid found in high concentrations in the brain and muscles and within the eye. Supplementing l-carnosine improves critical blood circulation to the eye and removes toxins from the body which will help with intraocular pressure experienced by glaucoma sufferers.
• Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Antioxidants that help prevent glaucoma damage by protecting the eye from free radical damage. Feeding your eyes correctly will help protect your eyes for years to come. [6.]
• Food Choices: Minimize processed foods, saturated fats, and refined sugars which can lead to inflammation and an increase in eye pressure. Increase foods rich in carotenoids and antioxidants such as leafy greens and yellow and orange vegetables.
Taking these precautions as soon as possible will help prevent further vision decline and will help protect your eye health and vision for years to come.
Until recently, surgery has been the only available option to treat cataracts and restore a patient’s vision. Most Doctors and ophthalmologists still believe there’s no known way to reverse or slow the progression of cataracts.
Yet, clinical evidence suggests otherwise. Clinical studies from around the world are reporting advances in managing cataracts naturally, without the need for toxic drugs and surgical procedures.
Eye drops to protect and restore vision from cataracts
N-acetylcarnosine Eye Drops or NAC Eye Drops, a non-surgical treatment has made dramatic improvements in those afflicted with cataracts and other other age-related eye disorders, including glaucoma and dry eyes.
Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Eye Drops for Cataracts is a revolutionary product developed by experts in vision care that uses specialized eye drops designed to help battle the formation of cataracts that are rich in a powerful, natural antioxidant called ‘Carnosine’.
This unique eye drop has already helped many 1000’s of cataract sufferers with renewed hope for better vision and living their life more fully.
How do Ethos Bright Eyes help cataracts and prevent other eye complications?
One of the primary ways in which Ethos NAC Eye Drops protects and restores vision, is by reversing oxidative damage (glycation), and relieving pressure in the eye. Reversing the free-radical damage and protecting your eyes prevents further vision loss.
Most importantly, they help to prevent the onset of other complications associated with cataracts.
Left untreated, these damaged proteins, caused by the process of ‘glycation’, inhibit the normal function of the eye, can result in additional pressure and further vision decline.
‘Glycation’ plays a pivotal role in the formation of cataracts, as the lens of the eye becomes damaged by this oxidative stress (cross linking of proteins). Ethos Bright Eyes have been successfully used for preventing and reversing cataracts for over 20 years.
They were proven safe and effective when put to the test on UK National Television.
Ethos Bright Eyes Cataract Eye Drops can safely help with eye complications by immediately working on oxidative damage in your eyes. In addition, Ethos Bright Eyes are proven to protect you from the onset of numerous other age related eye complications developing, including glaucoma, AMD and dry eyes.
Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Carnosine Eye Drops For Cataracts
Safety and Efficacy Test Over Six Weeks on Prime UK Television Network
Ophthalmologists and a respected London cataracts surgeon evaluated Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Eye Drops as safe and put them to the test on three of Channel 4’s viewers, each with varying severity of cataracts. Watch the initial set up and six weeks results in the TV recordings above.
Are Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Eye Drops Safe?
John Bolger FRCS DO. is the leading London cataract surgeon featured in the 1st TV review, in the video above.
Consider for a moment; a leading London eye surgeon and a mainstream UK Television Company would never allow a live trial and the testing of a product on their viewers, unless they were 100% certain of the safety of the product. They were certain of the safety because the active ingredient “carnosine,” is a natural compound present in all of us.
N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) Eye Drops have been clinically tested worldwide with no reports of side-effects.
Do Ethos Bright Eyes Work?
As verified by independent ophthalmologists in the “TV Results Video” at the top of this page, all three patients with varying severity of cataracts each experienced an improvement in their vision in just six weeks.
Clinical studies and trials have found topical NAC Carnosine Eye Drops to be helpful in eye structure and function in people with age-associated visual impairment, primary and secondary corneal dystrophy, glaucoma, AMD, corneal erosions, trophic keratitis, bullous keratopathy, dry and wet eyes, floaters, and above all cataracts.
PLEASE NOTE: Results vary greatly depending on the health of the individual and the nature and severity of the eye disorder. We highly recommend a course of three to six months (three to six or nine boxes) of Ethos Bright Eyes™ to give them time to work and to see a noticeable improvement in vision clarity, cataract reduction, or quality of eye sight.
Consistent Blood Flow Is Essential for Optimum Eye Health
It is essential to understand the importance of ocular blood flow and its impact on various ocular diseases.
Ocular perfusion pressure plays a critical role in regulating optimal distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the eye while maintaining constant autoregulation under normal conditions.
However, if disrupted or unbalanced due to dysregulation then this can contribute towards serious medical disorders such as cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma & diabetic retinopathy. [3.]
It is vital for you to recognize these risk factors and understand the importance of improving circulation and blood flow to the eye, as a critical step to improving eye health and preventing further vision decline.
L-Carnosine – Increase Circulation and Reverse Aging
Carnosine is one of the most powerful natural anti-aging compounds available today.
Offering a vast range of benefits to users, from prevention and delay of age-related diseases, to improved brain function and physical performance.
Carnosine research is changing the way conventional medicine thinks about aging. As documented in over 2,950 Carnosine Clinical Trials and Research Papers on PubMed.
L-carnosine has been proven to possess the extraordinary capability of revitalizing aged cells and those in a deteriorating state, restoring them back to their optimal health. Previously it was thought that such deterioration could never be reversed – however ongoing research indicates otherwise.
Carnosine not only prolongs cell cycles by increasing the time between division but also multiplies intervals, thus ultimately lengthening lifespan significantly when carnosine is present within higher quantities.
Carnosine has proven to be an effective tool in the battle against ageing, due its remarkable capability of safeguarding and preserving core parts that make up our bodies.
This naturally occurring compound plays a key role in extending life-expectancy with numerous studies indicating its safe use as well verifying through animal testing and cell cultures how it promotes longevity.
Carnosines’ antioxidant, protective, chelating agent properties all contribute positively towards healthy cellular functioning making it essential for prolonging one’s lifespan.
Carnosine Is One Of The Most Powerful Compounds In Your Body
David Schmidt, Lifewave founder and CEO gives an expert over-view of “carnosine” and details clinical research that suggests “carnosine” plays a significant role in supporting vital organs and functions throughout the body.
Deficiency in carnosine can lead to the visible signs of aging and the loss of function in many areas throughout the body as aging ensues.
The good news is that we can now restore our bodies’ younger l-carnosine levels, giving us the ability to slow down and even reverse the aging process.
A few of the most dramatic observations in recent years that demonstrate how l-carnosine supplementation extends life spans.
Scientific References
1. Protein damage, ageing and age-related diseases
2. Mechanistic targeting of advanced glycation end-products in age-related diseases
3. Ocular Blood Flow Autoregulation Mechanisms and Methods
4. Lutein and Zeaxanthin Isomers in Eye Health and Disease
5. N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) drops for age-related cataract
6. Oxidative stress in ocular disease: Does lutein play a protective role?