1.  Select the number of products you require and add to cart

Once you have selected your products to purchase from the drop-down menu, you will need to select ‘Add to cart’.  

You will be taken to your cart page to view your order. 

How To Buy Ethos Products 1
2.  View Your ‘Shoping Cart’

Select ‘VIEW CART’ or click the “Shopping Cart symbol” in the top right of the website, far right of the navigation menu.  You will be taken to your cart page to view your order. 

How To Buy Ethos Products 2
3.  Applying Discount Codes and Proceeding To Checkout

As shown in the image below, you will have the option to add the discount code given to you.  Click “Apply Coupon” and the discount will be applied from your order total.

Click “Proceed To Checkout”, or Pay Now, or Pay Later wih PayPal and you will be taken to a page to enter your payment details.

Please Copy/Use Code Exactly As It Is Given To You
How To Buy Ethos Products and Apply Discounts3

If you experience any issues while ordering or anywhere on our website, please let us know: support@ethosvision.net

If you need a discount voucher, please use the form at the bottom of the website


Wishing you all the very best with your health and vision. The ethosVision Team

Monitor & Measure The Progress Of Your Vision At Home

ethos bright eyes for human cataracts 510

Searching for a free eye chart to check your vision at home?

Click on the image to the left and select  ‘download’ or ‘print’ so that you have the ability to monitor your eyesight at home.  You can use this eye chart to check if your eyesight is deteriorating, remaining stable, or actually begining to improve as you use Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Carnosine Eye Drops.

Please note: This is not a substitute for an eye exam by a medical professional.

If you do not have a printer at home then you can simply take pages from magazines or newspapers with consistent heading font sizes and measure your eye’s performance over time.